To create the project team, an applicant must navigate to the AccessOCE portal and open their application that is in the In Development stage.
Once in the application, open the “Team Information” tab.
Complete the contact information for the Applicant and Project Contributor(s) (if applicable). Include only one contact name from each organization. For each contact from the Applicant and Project Contributor organizations that you enter, please provide the full first name (no short versions or nicknames), full legal company/institution name and email. The full legal organization name is required as this will used in the OCE Funding Agreement.
Within this tab, applicants will also see the “Project Team Members” section where detailed team member information must be provided.
To include project team member information, applicants must selection the “Click here to Enter / Edit Team Member Table” button which will open a new window with a table to input all information.
Once in the “Team Member Table” window, applicants can proceed to select the “+” button to add new team members. When adding team members, applicants must provide the name of the team member, affiliations (e.g., company, academic institution, etc.), expertise and then select the category that best describes the team member from the drop-down options provided (see definitions below).
When completing the Team Table for your application it is important to list all team members from the applicant and partner organizations that will participate directly in completion of the project objectives.
Please ensure to include the applicant, project contributor(s), all anticipated students/postdoctoral fellows (for industry-academic programs) and any other team members. Describe their experience/expertise and how it relates to the expertise needed for the project and categorize their role using the drop-down menu in the table (see definitions of each role below).
Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) Category Definitions:
- University Researcher: Faculty member at an Ontario university/research hospital.
- Post Doc: Current Post-Doctoral Fellow at an Ontario university/research hospital.
- PhD Student: Current PhD student at an Ontario university/research hospital, or PhD graduate working as a Research Associate, Technician, etc. at an Ontario university/research hospital.
- Masters Student: Current Masters students at an Ontario university/research hospital, or Masters graduate working as a Research Associate, Technician, etc. at an Ontario university/research hospital. Recent Masters graduates applying under the TalentEdge Internship program should also be included here.
- Undergraduate: Current undergraduate student at an Ontario university/research hospital, current student at an Ontario college, or graduate from a university/research hospital/college undergraduate program working as a Research Associate, Technician, etc. at an Ontario university/research hospital/college. Recent undergraduates applying under the TalentEdge Internship program should also be included here.
- College Researcher: Full-time or part-time faculty member at an Ontario college.
- Entrepreneur: Founder of the applicant/partner company (i.e., holding equity and a key position in the company).
- Private Employee: Other employee of the applicant/partner company besides the founder(s).
List as TBD (To Be Determined) any individuals who will participate in the project yet are unidentified at the time of application submission. Include a description of the required skills for the associated role and select the appropriate category.
Once applicants are finished adding all team members, please select “Save” and wait for a confirmation message that the system has saved the information.
Any individual contributing time or resources to the completion of the project must be included as a project team member.
It is important to wait for the system confirmation that work has saved. If applicants close the window before this confirmation they may risk losing any updated information.