Eligible expenditures vary depending on the program. For details, please visit the Programs page of the OCE website and refer to the “Downloads” section under each program specific page to find the eligible expenditures guidelines.
For eligible procurement activities and costs, OCE requires applicants to conform to the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act (BPSAA). If you have questions about eligibility of procurement activities and costs for your project, please contact your Business Development Manager or OCE’s Finance department at program-finance@oce.zendesk.com.
For eligible travel and accommodation costs, OCE requires applicants’ expenses to be incurred and reimbursed in accordance with the Government of Ontario's Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive. If you have questions about eligibility of procurement activities and costs for your project, please contact your Business Development Manager or OCE’s Finance department at program-finance@oce.zendesk.com.
It is important for any applicants submitting projects co-funded with other funders to ensure all stated expenses and costs also comply with the funding requirements of all co-funders.