If a reviewer accepted an invitation to review an application but no longer sees the application in their AccessOCI account, it is most likely the result of missing the deadline to complete their review of the application.
When a reviewer is invited to review an application following the College of Reviewer (COR) model (typically projects requesting funding less than $50,000), reviewers will have two business days to “Accept” or “Decline” the invitation. Once accepted, reviewers will then have five business days to complete and submit their reviews through the AccessOCI portal. To check how much time you have left to complete your review you may go to the “Invitation Status” tab.
For assistance with any issues regarding application reviews and/or application access, please contact the Program Manager listed in the program guidelines.
If an external reviewer accepts an invitation to review an application but does not complete and submit their review within five business days, the project will no longer appear in their AccessOCI account.