The business number (BN) is a nine-digit number designated by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) and is used as a common client identifier for businesses to simplify their dealings with federal, provincial, and municipal governments.
Since OCI works with partner ministries who provide program funding, OCI is required to follow provincial government standards.
To learn more about business numbers and how to locate your business’ unique business number, please visit the Business Number web page of the Government of Canada’s webpage.
The BN is the first nine digits of your company’s HST account number. Please ensure that the BN you enter corresponds with your company name at one of the following links: Industry Canada or Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If not, the applicant must attach a copy of a CRA-issued document containing your BN in the Supporting Documents of the application.
Please note, an applicant’s CRA-designated business number (BN) will differ from the Government of Ontario-designated corporation number.