To receive an honorarium, external reviewers are required to complete and submit an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) form with a void cheque or bank letter to OCE. To receive a copy of or submit the EFT form, please contact the Program Manager listed in the program guidelines.
To have the honorarium remitted to a personal bank account, please fill out the Social Insurance Number (SIN) portion of the EFT form. For more information on why OCE collects information regarding SIN, please read the "Why does OCE require my SIN number for the EFT form?" article in OCE's knowledge base.
To have the honorarium remitted to a business bank account, please fill out the CRA Business Number or HST Number portion of the EFT form.
If external reviewers wish to mail in a hard copy of the EFT form, as opposed to emailing the form, please use the following address:
ATTN: [Insert Program Manager's Name]
Ontario Centres of Excellence
325 Front Street West, Suite 300
Toronto, ON Canada
M5V 2Y1